Te Ara Takatū

Te Ara Takatū is a pathway programme managed by Katikati College for students 13-15 years old. 

It is a 16-week programme that aims to engage students in a meaningful learning programme targeted at students individual needs, and supports students to transition back to Katikati College, to further education, or other training, or employment opportunities. 

Te Ara Takatū supports students to progress in the areas of attendance and engagement, academic achievement, personal and social skills basked on the Key Competencies within he New Zealand Curriculum, individual wellbeing, literacy and numeracy and self management. 

Maringirangi Pohatu and Bina Whatarau are the kaiako of Te Ara Takatū, with Mike Perry supporting the programme. 

The programme has smaller learning blocks, values and wellbeing are used to guide the learning process, and learning is conducted in flexible ways in a range of environments. Students access the College for sports, cultural and some curriculum opportunities. 

Collaborative Action Plan (CAP) hui are held at 3-stages during the 16-week programme, at the beginning, half way through and 4-weeks before the end of the programme. These hui are had with the student, their whānau, kaiako, SENCO (if required) and the Deputy Principal. The CAPs are focused around student goals with these goals including transition and career goals. 

For more information about Te Ara Takatū contact can be made directly with our Deputy Principal, Katrina Lemon    klemon@katikaticollege.ac.nz